When you live in a geographical location that has four seasons, how exactly do you breathe new life in your space to make your home feel re-energized after, let’s say, a dark and snowy winter? By the time spring rolls around, it’s easy to feel like you have been cooped up for months, but we’re here to help! Below are some lifestyle tips we love that can easily be implemented to help make the transition from winter to spring a little smoother!
Do the switch...
Swap out those heavy materials like flannel and knits for lighter materials like cotton, linens or quilts.
Stay fresh...
Add scented liners or perfume sachets in-between your winter duvets and flannel sheets before you pack them away for the warmer months, this will keep them fresh for when you need them again. We love Crabtree & Evelyn or Elodie Essentials.
PRO TIP: Traveling? Add a few to your luggage before or after a trip to make your clothes stay fresh and your luggage crisp.
Swap out scents
Replace smells like sandalwood, frankincense, and cardamom that remind you of winter for scents like rain, honeysuckle, and linen. You will be amazed by how a simple scent change can shift your mindset ever so slightly.
Roll em’ up…
Say goodbye to your fluffy area rugs and allow your hardwood floors to shine! Switch to smaller (2x3) and easy to clean throw rugs. We love this one by Walter E. Smithe Furniture Design!
Bring the outside in!
Some of our favorite clippings for spring are Pussy Willows and Forsythia, they can add height and subtle color to an arrangement or table. Yellow Archangle (Lamium galeobdolon)is another favorite that pops up in the early summer. They will root and are great for doubling your garden if you are trying to fill in some empty areas.
PRO TIP: Use ground covering instead of mulch. Mulch is a reoccurring cost and ground cover is final!
We would love to hear how you re-energize your space for spring. Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @houseofdietrich and tag us in your posts featuring your home transition from winter to spring!