First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Are you keeping any of the existing furnishings or appliances? Please name all items to remain. Include size, power requirements, or operational needs.
What would you not change about your existing layout? This could be a view from a window or a style of cabinet hardware (ie. Lazy susan)
Do you need more or less storage than you currently have?
Open Counter Space
Closed Cabinetry
Upper Cabinets
Full Cabinet Wall / Pantry Units
Drawer Storage
Bar Sink
Fruit Sink
Kitchen Sink (indicate bowl style & size)
Natural Light
Natural Materials
What are your must haves? List as many as you can think of.
What are your pet peeves in a kitchen? (ex. sponge on the counter)
What is your appliance list? Please include all areas. Kitchen, Bar, Etc.
Do you have any specific lighting requests?
Do you have any specific power requests?
Do you or family members have any disabilities that would require special design elements?
Do you need child safety items?
How many meals do you cook a week?
How many people are normally in your kitchen when you are cooking?
How many chefs are in your family?
How many pets in your family?
List any special pet considerations.
Do you organize your space in any particular way, or would you like to? (Kitchen Example: Breakfast items together, specific dishes in specific locations etc. This will be important when we breakdown your zones. Consider carefully.)
How involved would you like to be in the process?
In your words what is included in your budget?
How much is your budget?
What would you consider your splurge items?
What would you not like to spend on?
Should we consider phases for this project?
Have you worked with a designer before?
If no— Why now?
Have you worked with a contractor before?
If yes— What was your best & worst experience?
Have you lived through a renovation before?
Option One
Option Two
If yes— What was your best & worst experience?
How long do you anticipate construction to take?
Do you want a temporary kitchen set up?
If yes— Where & what?
What should we know about your house specifics?
Are you planning any trips that may assist in the construction planning? (i.e. major demo of existing flooring)
Name three words to describe how you feel in your finished space. (Ex: Calm, Inspired, Fulfilled)
Name three words to describe the style of your finished space. (Ex: Timeless, Effortless, Energetic)
What do you see as a focal point for your kitchen?
Do you have any artwork you want to incorporate?
What colors do you love?
What colors do you hate?
Do the parties involved have the same style? Explain.
What else do you want us to know?