What is Home Soul?
Bringing soul into your home is about a deeper connection, and it starts with the simple ways you love to live your life. It is not something that’s built overnight or found in a single shopping trip.
It’s a light fixture that reminds you of the sun.
Soul is in the contents of your day.
Soul is how you enter your space, where you drop your belongings.
Soul is in the piles around your house (not the dirty clothes piles, but maybe it’s the tray the holds your mail).
Soul is in the window you find yourself sitting in front of and the seat on the sofa that makes you feel the safest.
The Soul of your home is not only where you store your treasures (and why), but also those actual treasures, how you make memories, and how you showcase them.
Like life, Soul is built over time.
The details are compiled—thoughtfully.
Bringing Soul into your home isn’t about rushing the process. There’s no need to hurry Soul up.
Soul happens when you take the time to intentionally cultivate the space you want.
Vintage family photo, found bottle from home renovation, fern from summer hike with family.
You’ll know when you find “Home Soul”…
…because it will look and feel like you.
A simple line can feel like you, organic or manmade. Architecture may feel “familiar.”
And when you feel like you’ve come home to a place that’s really yours, you’ll be able to rest and restore yourself—on a deeper level.
“Home Soul” is combining the people you love, the future you want, and all of the histories that need to be carried forward. It can be minimal or elaborate, calm or dramatic. “Home Soul” can evolve or it can stay the same for many years.
If you want to find Soul, look to your treasures and your travels.
Look around you. What do you see? What do you love?
That’s your style.
That’s your Soul.